Thursday, August 4, 2011

Creativity In Everywhere

What is creativity?

Creativity is the bringing into being of something which did not exist before, either as a product, a process or a thought.In fact, we are all creative every day because we are constantly changing the ideas which we hold about the world about us. Creativity does not have to be about developing something new to the world, it is more to do with developing something new to ourselves. 

When we change ourselves, the world changes with us, both in the way that the world is affected by our changed actions and in the changed way that we experience the world.


Combination of Photography and drawing

never thought of this before? impressive?

I want my ice cream back!!!!! Let me go!!!

Why people say some of the advertisements, TV Commercials can get attraction from the audience?
Reacting to any form of advertising today has become an essential part of being a consumer. Advertising is everywhere and everyone has an opinion.

It's bad when it blatantly intrudes on someone's lifestyle.
And it's great when it informs. 

The best creative messages must sell the product or service. ------ David Ogilvy said it well in his landmark Ogilvy on Advertising book, "When I write an advertisement, I don't want you to tell me that you find it 'creative'. I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product."

A coffee advertisement.

Don't buy exotic animals souvenirs, please protect the animals (WWF ads)

Get the flea away off your dog. (Flea spray ads)

RCA Music. Sound for real.  [MP3 ads]

Best to keep some windows closed, to avoid those "not related people" come in.
[Symetec Antivirus system ads]

You can't afford to be slow in an emergency. [WWF Save the Planet ads]

Use Energizer, anything also can see very clearly in the darkness. [Energizer ads]

credit to google images search: creative ads; fb 
Research By: Ooi Chai Ping

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